Luke & John: An Interpretive Paraphrase
"The gospels of Luke and John, as we have them in our New Testament, were written in a distant time and place in an effort to communicate the reality of Jesus Christ to persons of that day," says Ben Johnson. "For too many of us the words of the gospel remain frozen in another age and fail to grasp our lives at the core, to heal our deepest hurt, and to speak to the perplexing issues facing us."
This relational paraphrase of Luke and John is his effort to penetrate the everlasting message of the gospel and rephrase it in words and images that communicate more clearly with persons. The Word of God heard and understood has transformative power. It is truth, and as Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Johnson affirms, "I pray that those who read the words of this paraphrase will be set fee by the truth of Jesus made personal and powerful through the work of the Holy Spirit."